
Register for Virtual Catholic Youth Conference

Experience hope alive at our first virtual conference, Steubenville Live!
Enjoy a virtual event like no other (we know – Zoom classes are getting old): 
Live-streamed, no pre-recorded talks 
Fully interactive 
Powerful worship music 
And, of course, Jesus will be there, the source of our hope! 
Steubenville Live engages not only high schoolers but their families, too! 

Steubenville Live will take place on July 17-18, 2020, and will feature the following ministry team: 
Host: Brian Kissinger 
Worship Leader: Josh Blakesley
Priest: Fr. Mike Schmitz 
Mary Bielski 
Michael Gormley 
Oscar Rivera, Jr. 

As an added bonus, everyone who registers for Steubenville Live gets free access to Real Life Catholic’s I AM 30-day coaching program. Chris Stefanick will show you how to put away the shame, insecurity, and fear that is keeping you from living a life full of freedom, joy, and purpose. This program is perfect for individuals, youth groups, and families alike! 

$40/person or family of 4
Registration opens on Monday, June 15.

See you there! 

Volunteers Needed

As we move towards re-opening our churches one of the difficulties for a small parish is finding volunteers.  When we open we are required to have someone on site when the building is open to monitor the situation.

The job of the volunteers are to see that the rules are observed:

  • signing people in so that they can be traced if there is a health issue
  • ensuring there are 10 or fewer people in the church at a time

Our plans are to have the church open for private prayers and adoration on Tuesdays and Thursdays according to the following schedule:

  • Tuesdays 10am to Noon
  • Tuesdays 5pm to 7pm
  • Thursdays 10am to Noon
  • Thursdays 5pm to 7pm

If you know a person who is available during any of these times and is willing to volunteer please contact the parish office or you may sign up here:

Sign Up!

If we can not find volunteers we will need to remain closed.

Watch message from Bishop Pates on need for volunteers from our younger parish community.

For details of the plan please see Bishop Pates’ cover letter here and the Plan details here

Church to re-open in June

We are starting Phase 1 of the re-opening plan in June!  

See details on what is included and make sure to watch the video on how the process works here

Diocese announces phased re-opening plan

Today Bishop Pates provided details for the diocese’s Phased Re-Opening Plan.

In summary, the Plan calls for two Phases:

Phase 1
Allows for limited sacramental celebrations and private prayer including the following:

  • Baptisms
  • Weddings
  • Funerals
  • Reconciliation

Phase 1 limits the number of attendees in the church to no more than 10.  Parishes will not be allowed to offer either daily or Sunday Mass, even with 10 or fewer attendees.

The parish may enter Phase 1 after proper training and certification protocols have been followed with the Diocese.

Phase 1A
Allows for parishes to reopen for private prayer and adoration with a limit of 10 attendees.

The parish may enter Phase 1A after additional training and certification protocols have been followed with the Diocese.

Phase 2
Allows for reopening for weekday and weekend Masses for larger groups depending on the guidelines from the state and the capacity of the church building.

Progression to Phase 2 will be granted once all preparations have been made and permission has been granted by public authorities.

For details of the plan please see Bishop Pates’ cover letter here and the Plan details here