Monthly Archives: November 2016

Join the Cherubim and Saraphim Choirs!

WHAT: The Cherubim Children’s Choir is for children ages 7-12 to come together and learn simple yet beautiful sacred music and basic choral and music theory skills. The Seraphim Youth Choir is for teens ages 13-19 to sing more involved sacred music in a fun but organized setting and to grow their choral abilities. There will be opportunities for both choirs to provide music for Holy Mass and a few other special events throughout the year (e.g. Christmas caroling at a nursing home). A schedule of events will be provided to participants. WHEN: Practices will be held once a week on Mondays (beginning Monday, November 21, 2016).Cherubim (ages 7-12): Mondays from 3:30-4:30pm.Seraphim (ages 13-19): Mondays from 4:45-6:00pm. WHERE: Practices for both choirs will be held at St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church: 2500 Arbeiter Rd, Joliet, IL 60431. COST: $30/child per semester to cover cost of music, supplies, etc.The choirs are sponsored by Our Lady of Guadalupe (OLOG) Catholic Homeschool Group. Please make checks payable to OLOG and bring with your child(ren) to the first practice. Note: No child will be turned away due to financial hardship. For more information and to register, visit:]]>