Chosen by God’s Grace
The 2016 Catholic Ministries Annual Appeal begins with a mailing that many of our parishioners have received or will soon receive. This is a mailing from Bishop Conlon asking for a pledge to the 2016 Catholic Ministries Annual Appeal.
The Appeal not only funds many of the operations of the diocese, it funds services that are of great help to the ministries here in our parish. For example, funds support Training, Religious Education, Finance and Buildings & Properties.
This year, the theme of the Appeal is “Chosen by God’s Grace.” What a wonderful thought! The Almighty God of the Universe has chosen you, His precious child. Can you imagine anything more unbelievable than being “Chosen by God’s Grace?” God has a destiny for you. His plan for you is as individual as you are. You have been uniquely created for a purpose and God wants to see you passionately live His plan out.
How do we acknowledge God’s Grace and show Him our gratitude? One way that we can show our gratitude is by giving back to God the gifts He shared with us. We can sup- port our parish, our diocese and the Church throughout the world with gifts of time, talent and treasure. The gifts we give enable ministries, education, and services that touch thousands of lives.
Our parish goal is $23,193.00. With your financial support, we can exceed this goal. When we exceed our goal in paid pledges, we will receive 65% of the amount over goal for use in our parish. Please answer Bishop Conlon’s request and make a generous pledge. All pledges can be paid in ten (10) installments. Thank you in advance for your support]]>