Confessions are every Saturday of the month from 3:30 to 4:15 pm and by appt.
Children generally receive First Reconciliation and First Communion at St. Francis Xavier in Second Grade. Please see the Family Centered Faith Formation (FCFF) website for more information.
FCFF Website
Are celebrated on Sunday after the 10:00 am Mass. Call the church office for open date.
Please contact the parish office at the beginning of your wedding planning to check if your wedding date is available and to start the marriage preparation process. A minimum of six(6) months in advance of your wedding date is a requirement of the Joliet diocese. Weddings are celebrated at Noon or 2 p.m. on Saturdays
Must contact the parish 3 months prior to the requested date.
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults):
For adults interested in becoming Catholic, RCIA prepares them to receive the sacraments of initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist) at the Easter Vigil. Adult Catholics in need of Confirmation are also invited. The formal program meets weekly from October through May.
Parish Registration:
All Catholics are encouraged to register in their parish.
Click Here to Register
Religious Education (Family Centered Faith Formation):
Registration takes place from May through August. Classes begin in September and are held twice a month on Sunday after the 10:00 am Mass.
Parish Ministries:
If you would like to join one of our parish ministries (lector, Communion minister, catechists, etc.).
More Information
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament:
Is held on Tuesday from 5-8p.m. and on Thursday after the 9:15 am Mass until 10:45a.m.
Sacramental Preparations:
We are delighted to celebrate the sacraments of Baptism & Marriage within our parish for registered families. If you have any questions, please contact our parish office, 815-609-8077
Bulletin Inserts:
If you plan to insert flyers in the Sunday bulletin, please call the parish office on the prior Monday for approval and scheduling.