Monthly Archives: May 2020

Church to re-open in June

We are starting Phase 1 of the re-opening plan in June!  

See details on what is included and make sure to watch the video on how the process works here

Diocese announces phased re-opening plan

Today Bishop Pates provided details for the diocese’s Phased Re-Opening Plan.

In summary, the Plan calls for two Phases:

Phase 1
Allows for limited sacramental celebrations and private prayer including the following:

  • Baptisms
  • Weddings
  • Funerals
  • Reconciliation

Phase 1 limits the number of attendees in the church to no more than 10.  Parishes will not be allowed to offer either daily or Sunday Mass, even with 10 or fewer attendees.

The parish may enter Phase 1 after proper training and certification protocols have been followed with the Diocese.

Phase 1A
Allows for parishes to reopen for private prayer and adoration with a limit of 10 attendees.

The parish may enter Phase 1A after additional training and certification protocols have been followed with the Diocese.

Phase 2
Allows for reopening for weekday and weekend Masses for larger groups depending on the guidelines from the state and the capacity of the church building.

Progression to Phase 2 will be granted once all preparations have been made and permission has been granted by public authorities.

For details of the plan please see Bishop Pates’ cover letter here and the Plan details here

Catholic Youth Conference changed to Virtual Event

Throughout this pandemic, the Lord has asked Franciscan University to make some hard yet faith-filled choices. Today, we regret to inform you that we are cancelling all Main Campus Youth Conferences for Summer. This decision is very disappointing, but prayer, consultation, and prudence confirm that it is the right one.

Despite not having in-person conferences this summer, we will be hosting a live-streamed conference for you and your teens. This event will be unique among other virtual offerings and will include all the components of an in-person conference that we can make possible. We know, with expectant faith and confident trust, that the Lord will lead us and help us to create an event that will guide tens of thousands of teens into a renewed encounter with the love of Jesus. This has the potential to be the biggest Steubenville Conference yet!

You will be receiving more information about this event in the coming days. Please check for the latest updates on the virtual event at