The goal of our Confirmation program is to help the students make a personal commitment to Christ and take on the role of a young adult in the church, through the guidance of the Holy Spirit. This year, 8th graders who have completed 7th grade, in addition to attending the Family Centered Faith Formation sessions with their parents, will attend Confirmation classes once a month to prepare them to receive Confirmation in the fall of 2016. Some of the classes will be held on Sunday mornings and some will be on Sunday evenings. The evening classes will conclude with a Mass in which the students will have an active role of participation. Parents are invited and encouraged to attend the Mass. The students will also participate in scheduled group service projects and a retreat. To help them learn more about themselves, the sacrament of Confirmation, and the Church, they will be asked to complete some additional assignments which will be part of a booklet they will receive. The students will also receive a copy of the Youth Catechist (YouCat) and learn how to use it to find answers to their faith question. 2015-16 dates to remember: 2015 Candidates: Retreat will be on Saturday, September 12 from 8 am-5:15 pm Confirmation Rehearsal will be on October 28 at 6:30 pm. (Sponsor or Parent must attend with the student) Confirmation will be October 30 at 7 pm. A reception will follow. 2016 Candidates (current 8th graders): Parent/Student Introductory Meeting – August 24 (at 7 pm) Student sessions: 8:30-10 am: 9/20, 11/15, 1/24, 3/13, 5/15 6-8:30 pm: 10/11, 12/6 (7:30 Mass only), 2/14, 4/3 Group Service Projects will be announced on the Confirmation website (found linked to the FCFF website and the Parish website) Confirmation practice and date – TBA, at the discretion of the Bishop Activity fee for 2016 Candidates: $65 plus transportation fees to group service projects, when applicable.