In-Person Masses resume January 2

Fr. Karl and in-person Weekend “Car Park” Masses will resume on January 2.

A few changes will be implemented:

  1. Parking – The back row of parking spots will no longer be used. Vehicles will park in the front row and the driveway leading up to the church. A parking lot attendant will still direct you where to park, based on the height of your vehicle.
  2. Communion – Parishioners will receive communion in their vehicles. A Eucharistic Minister will bring communion to your vehicle. Please roll down your window as the minister approaches. Please do not exit your vehicle.
See full details [button type=”churchope_button” url=”″  button_color_fon=”#69a72a” ]Here[/button]

Weekday Masses and other services.

Weekday Masses will resume on Wednesday, January 6. There will not be any services on Monday, January 4 or Tuesday, January 5.

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