Weekend Masses


father_karl_216Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, France is seven hours ahead of Illinois. By the time the 8:30 Mass starts it will be 3:30 pm in France and I will be visiting the tapestry that records the events leading up to the Norman conquest of England in 1066. Tomorrow Monday I will lay your remembrances of loved ones at Omaha beach or at the American cemetery. Every name every remembrance tells a story of family of faith and of service. Together we will pray for them and for what they meant to their generation and to their family and friends. Thank you for their service and bravery. Then it will be on to Lisieux as we wind our way back to Paris. Along the way many stories will be shared and friendships renewed. No doubt over the next few weeks I will share some of those stories in photos and in word. Pray for us as I will be praying for you Fr Karl  


father_karl_216Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, We struggle at times. We make plans they don’t work out. People let us down and we are hurt and disillusioned. In this week’s Gospel Jesus says to us “Do not let your hearts be troubled” Thomas who had journeyed with him who had seen the miracles and the signs is not satisfied and asks for more direction and gets the response “I am the way the truth and the life no one comes to the Father except through me” It always gives me great hope and strength that one of the apostles had his moments. Think a little, Jesus was showing us God’s care for us like our mother’s when we were younger that scratch, that fall, that moment when we went crying to them and the thing that stopped the crying, the trauma was not a band aid, but usually a kiss or a word of comfort and then it was back to the game. As we honor mothers we are reminded that God shows us that same care and in our moments says “do not let your hearts be troubled” Let us give thanks to our God for all he has done for us, and pray that our mothers will be rewarded for the care and attention they gave to us in our lives. Let the journey continue, Fr Karl