

father_karl_216Dear Brothers and Sisters, For Many years one of our St Patrick Fathers Fr Michael Glynn wrote a piece in our Mission Magazine “AFRICA” called “ Why not be a missionary” and these were the words on the bag page up till a few years ago. Those challenging words attracted many young men to be become mission- ary priests. Their work was and continues to be successful. Last week I spoke of the call of all of us to be missionary and asked what can I do?. Pope Benedict XV listed three things that we all can do. 1.The first thing all of us can do is pray that “God may grant the missions his merciful aid”. 2. Promote vocations. 3. “the sacred obligation of assisting in the conversion of unbelievers applies also to all believers” All of us can pray, all of us can encourage vocations an all of us through our contact with others can invite, challenge and encourage others to join us on the Journey of faith. “Go out to the whole world….. If you would like to read Pope Benedict XV great Mission document. Google Maximum ILlud and it will take you too https://w2.vatican.va/content/ benedict-xv/en/apost_letters/documents/hf_ben- xv_apl_19191130_maximumillud.html It is even today well worth reading. Fr Karl