Fr_Karl_JetDear Brothers and Sisters, It’s good to be back. Never did I think that I would be trapped in Ireland because of snow. When I was growing up in Rathfarnham we always had snow and frost every winter but not huge amounts. We live on the edge of the Mountains (hills). It was part of winter, but it was once in a generation that you got a major event like this year. Because it’s a rare event most of the equipment available in the Midwest, is not available. The main roads were cleared but the little roads have to wait until the thaw. There is good in this, people talk to neighbors they walk, they play games with their kids and life slows down for a few days. That is what Lent is about, slowing down, taking a look at life and trying to do better. It’s asking questions about how am I living, what am I doing and what are the important things in my life. So this Lent take a “snow day” and do a check list on yourself and walk with God and slow down. .We realize when house bound that there are things we can do without and that we can live without, so take that “snow day’ and walk with God. In Britain and Ireland they celebrate Mother’s Day this weekend March 11th