

father_karl_216Dear Brothers and Sisters, At the beginning of the year many people make New Year’s resolutions. What happened to yours? At the beginning of Lent people give up things. Do they go the way of the new year resolutions. Many years ago I gave up sugar for Lent . I never went back on it for my tea or coffee. On the few occasions when I get a bad cup of coffee I will add a sweetener…. Yuk. Now that I am older I like to take a more pro-active role in Lent. Instead of giving up something I try to do something, read a new spiritual book or add a prayer or a chapter of the bible to my routine. If someone were to ask me what should I do I would say read, go to Mass or visit some person who would like a visit. Temptation will strike. You will want the things you give up or will hear the little voice telling you that you are too busy to read or pray. Like it or not the devil will work on you as he worked on Jesus. Remember Jesus’ words I am with you always. As we Journey through this season He is with us on the journey guiding and strengthening us. Please continue to pray for my brother Michael and for me as I journey to see him and be with the family. Fr Karl