

father_karl_216Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Last weekend Penny led the catechists in a training session in preparation for the beginning of the Religious Education program. An enormous amount of preparation is done before the first Family Centered Faith Formation session. Teaching aids, lesson plans, videos and training sessions. This year we had to search for new catechists. All of our catechists are volunteers who give up a number of their Sundays to help teach and put into practice their faith. They are people from all walks of life and young high school kids who by their example show us what it means to be a Christian. All of them I see in church on Sundays. Constantly by their example they remind me that Religious ED is not about one Sunday a month but about living faith every day. We all need to renew and live our faith. We all need to learn, but above all it is the example that counts. Seeing parents with their children in Church Sunday after Sunday tells me and all of us that their faith is important. Combined with the teaching around the table it sends a powerful message that faith is a journey that is strengthened by the Eucharist and lives in the world every day. At the end of Mass let us take Christ with us into our world and by our example encourage all to live lives true to the Gospel. Let the Journey continue, Fr Karl