Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, August is knocking at the door and the bags are packed or are being packed for college. The freshmen and women are setting off on their first adventure, their first independent venture. They are uneasy nervous, but there is no way they will admit it. Parents are worried that they will not succeed or live up to their values or that they will make their mistakes, but part of parenting is letting go. Part of parenting is trusting and realizing that you have done the best you can. Part of parenting is realizing that mistakes are learning experiences and that failure is at times the key to success. As you let them go we pray for you and for them. We try to keep in touch and we remember what it was like for us. The other college students have seen it and they are happy. Most want to return, they have new friends with whom they have experiences to share and they have learned what it is like to be independent. We thank God for their success their sense of adventure and we pray that a new generation of responsible citizens are ready for the adventure of renewing and making our world a better space. God be with them. The Journey continues. Fr Karl