

father_karl_216Dear Brothers and Sisters, This weekend we celebrate the feast of the Body and Blood of Christ ( Corpus Christi). Jesus tells us in John’s Gospel that unless we eat His Body and drink His Blood we cannot have life. At the last supper he instituted the Eucharist and said do this in memory of me. The church has continued to do this in the Eucharist from the beginning. St Paul who was not present at the last supper, give us an account of the Eucharist in first letter to the Corinthians Chap 11 verses 23-26 when he tells us “I received from the Lord what I also handed on to you……” From the very start of the Church there has been a strong believe in the celebration of the Eucharist (Mass) as part of the life of the Church. This weekend as we profess our belief in the presence of Christ in the sacrament of His Body and Blood we are carrying on the direct command of Jesus “to do this in memory of me.” In faith we Journey may the Eucharist give us life and belief. This week also we celebrate Memorial Day, a time to reflect on those who have gone before us in faith and to commemorate the men and women who gave their live in the service of their country. In war there are really no victors for everyone suffers. My father’s family was expelled from Britain during the First World War. He rarely talked about it, but we knew from the times that he did that it had left a scar that stayed with him all of his life. Many of our soldiers come home with scars physical and mental and very often the world they come back to has changed and they and their families have a hard time adjusting.. As we pray this weekend let’s remember them and their families along with all the victims and the families of the ones who never came home. We are grateful for the sacrifice of these families and we will pray for them and the loved ones who never came home. Rest in Peace. Pray too for a world that learns to live in Peace. Pray for me as I pray for you, Fr Karl