

father_karl_216Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, A few weeks ago I got a request from the daughter of friends of mine. Would I please say a Mass in her sister’s house? I asked what the occasion is. She told me her parents were too frail to be able to go to their youngest grandchild’s first communion and they would like to see her receive. We picked a day when it was possible. It was a simple affair the young child and her parent’s and her sister, the grandparents an aunt and a few friends of the child. Before the Mass the grandparents talked of their own memories, of their siblings and their kids first communion, of the May crowning and other religious celebrations and how their faith had been enriched and strengthened by the example they received from others. As part of the Mass the mother of the child had placed a small statue of Our Lady in the bay window. During Mass we had our own May crowning and I saw tears in the Grandparents eyes. It struck me afterwards that this was what being a witness to Christ is about. We all dream of doing great things but it is in the simple kindnesses and the simple expressions of faith, that the faith is handed on from generation to generation. It is in the answer to the question why do you do this that people are brought to RCIA and become Christians. As we celebrate our May crowning on Pentecost Day, may the Sprit encourage us all to lead by example and be witnesses to the Christ who has died, is risen and truly will come again. May our Journey of Faith be one of example, kindness and Faith. “By this shall all know that you are my disciples. Love one another.” Pray for me as I pray for you, Fr Karl