Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Three times Peter denied Jesus and three times Jesus asks Peter does he love him. Constantly in the Gospels we are reminded of God’s love for his people and Jesus reminds us “By this shall all know that you are my disciples if you love one another”. In the Gospel of today’s Mass Jesus once again calls his disciples and in challenging Peter calls him to a renewed commitment. Every Easter is a call to a new commitment and to travel with the Apostles on their missionary journey and to realize that their journey is also ours. In their travels not only do they bring people to Christ but they also rediscover Jesus in their preaching and in their lives. Every day they are asked’ do you love me?’ In answering that question they are imprisoned tortured and eventually put to death. It is easy for us to forget that in the areas where the good news was preached by the apostles that is still happening today. In Syria and the Middle East many Christians have been tortured and killed because they said yes to Jesus. Please keep them in your prayers as we pray for peace and renew our commitment to Jesus this Easter. Please try to read the Acts of the Apostles during this Eastertime and rediscover through the apostles the missionary story of the early Church. Let us continue to journey and rediscover Jesus. Pray for me as I pray you, Fr Karl