

father_karl_216Dear Brothers and Sisters, Palm Sunday (Passion Sunday) and we begin the Journey with Jesus to Calvary. The Crowds are ecstatic as he enters Jerusalem. They cut branches and they lay down cloaks and they probably threw flowers and coins. It was a ticker tape parade. As far as they were concerned their king had arrived and they were ready for the revolution. They did not understand or get the message of Jesus. They were hungry for earthly power or show. Meanwhile the enemies were getting their act together, planning conniving and building alliances. Ask yourself, where am I in all of this? What kind of Jesus do I know? A few days later the crowds are provided with the kind of spectacle they are looking for, a staged trial, a public humiliation and a very public execution. The same crowd cheers for Barabbas, and lines the streets. Now they see the power and control of the empire and their leaders working together. Do I choose power and control over love and justice? Do I seek vengeance and revenge over forgiveness? It can be easy in hindsight and at a distance to say I would not have done that, but a real examination of conscience and a look at our attitudes and reactions to events in the present moment can give us an insight into how we might have behaved. The beginning of Holy Week is a good time to do that and to take the time to go to confession Lets use this holy week to reconnect with Jesus and continue our journey of faith with him. The Journey continues. Pray for me as I pray for you, Fr Karl