Dear Brothers and Sisters,
It’s almost Christmas. I have great memories of Christmases past. My mother was a fabulous cook and the older I get the more I realize the great gift she was to all of us. Especially as cakes, puddings and other food were prepared. The traditional food in a lot of Ireland and Britain was usually Goose or Turkey and Ham.
In our house it was always Turkey and Ham and all the trimmings. Christmas eve my mother would clean the turkey. It was not a store turkey. It came from her brother’s farm so it had to be plucked and cleaned. We got out of the kitchen as none of us liked looking at the turkey’s innards. Then the ham was cooked in hard apple cider. When it was nearly cooked it was taken out of the boil and put in a oven dish . Dry mustard , brown sugar or homey was mixed with whiskey and poured over the ham. Then it was scored and cloves were stuck in it . It was finished off in the oven. The first slices would be cut after midnight Mass. Stuffing For the Turkey was made. It was cooked Christmas day. The vegetables, the potatoes had to be cleaned and peeled an put in salted water for the falling day.. The house was an aroma of rich smells as we waited for our father so that the Christmas tree could be decorated , the nativity scene set out. Now all was ready for the celebration.
These are happy and sad memories for all are now gone to their heavenly reward, but they remind me of where my faith came from and the efforts that my parents made to make Christmas a time of celebration where faith was the primary reason for the celebration. There were faith stories in the makings of cakes and puddings, in the candle in the window, in the tree and nativity scene. May your Christmas be filled with memories and with faith. Please do not forget the reason for the season.
Merry Christmas