

father_karl_216Dear Brothers and Sisters, We have all hopefully given thanks to God for the good things in our life and for the people who have been with us on our journey of faith. This weekend we celebrate the second Sunday of Advent and Monday is the feast of the Immaculate Conception, rather than the Sunday. Mary sings that great hymn of thanks for the gift of the Savior. She reminds us that Thanksgiving is not just one day of the year, but a continuous prayer for all great things that God has done for us. We pray in the Our Father, “Thy Kingdom come.” As we journey through Advent that is our prayer that in the coming of the Savior our lives and ways of doing things might be transformed so that we would reflect God’s Kingdom in all we do and say and we would always give thanks. We like Mary give Thanks for the Lord who has done great things for us and we pray for the coming of God’s Kingdom on Earth Especially in our lives. Our Advent journey continues, Fr Karl