12/6/20 Second Sunday of Advent (car park Mass)

12/6/20 Second Sunday of Advent (car park Mass)

Message from Fr. Karl

Advent is a new beginning.  It is also a reminder that God had a plan.  Very often the chosen people did not see or understand that plan and in various ways and at varied times he sent them prophets and signs to remind them.  John the Baptist was the last of those prophets and the greatest.  “He was the voice of one crying in the wilderness to prepare the way of the Lord.”  Like so many of the prophets he was not listened to.
We need to ask ourselves individually and collectively “Am I (Are we) listening to the call of God in our lives?”  During this Advent time the readings for Mass challenge us to repent, to change our ways of looking at things.  We are told that God is the potter and we are the clay.  There are feast days during this time that ask us to contemplate what God has done:  The Immaculate Conception, Our Lady of Guadalupe, “Behold the handmaid of the Lord” God reaching out to the poor and lowly.
Our parish Feast December 3rd St Francis Xavier reminds us that we are not a static church but a missionary church going out to the ends of the earth.  December 6 is the feast of St Nicholas or Santa Claus, reminding us that we have a duty to the poor and the less fortunate.
Our God has a plan and we are his hand and feet in bringing this plan to fulfillment even in difficult and troubled times.  May he help us this Advent to look out for others and to proclaim the Gospel “for he who is mighty has done great things for me”


See this week’s Bulletin here



Lectio Divina

See this week’s Lectio Divina here







Children’s Liturgy of the Word

See this week’s Children’s Liturgy of the Word here

Listen to a recording of this week’s Liturgy of the Word below!
