

father_karl_216Dear Brothers and Sisters, Last Sunday I cut the ground for the new rectory and later that evening I headed for Ireland for my niece’s wedding. The wedding is next Saturday and it will be a happy occasion, when we will meet with cousins, family and friends that in the last few years we have only seen at funerals. Family get togethers can at times be difficult particularly if people are not talking or have become estranged. Thankfully even though we have had our differences over the years we have continued to be on talking terms . There will be no great difficulty about who sits where or with whom. I will miss celebrating Thanksgiving with friends this year, but it will be good to be with family. Thanks giving and Christmas offer us opportunities for reconciliation , to send that card or make that phone call. But, even the best of intentions can be rebuffed and we have to be open to that. If you have done your best to reconcile and been rebuffed say a little prayer and let the bitterness go. If you do that your celebration will be a much more joyous time. Pray for me and my family at this time as I will continue to pray for you. Hopefully when I come back there will be a nice hole in the ground as the rectory begins to take shape. The Journey continues, Fr Karl