The gospel today reminds me to remember the generosity of all those who have been part of my life’s journey.
Generosity comes in many forms. It’s the poor widow who donates her all, the volunteer who spends time with her parish or some other project that needs help, it’s the smile on a face that says everything is OK or it’s the gentle touch at a time of great sadness or joy.
Sometimes we never realize how a simple gesture can affect us or others, As we listen to the story of the poor widow in today’s Gospel, please ask yourself how someone’s generosity has affected you.
As I get older I remember with gratitude the simple things my parents did when we were kids.. The Sunday morning breakfast, the bar of chocolate divided among all the smiles, the lifting over a gate or the lifting on to shoulders so that you could see better. I remember the generosity of Uncles and Aunts when I was in the seminary and on the missions. Without their generosity life would have been much more difficult. Generosity is not just about money, it is about an attitude that sees the needs of others and reacts with kindness and caring. Its about bringing faith into the market place and living the law of love to the full.
Thank you for the generosity of the welcome I received when I arrived here. Thank you for helping with the various ministries of this parish. Thank you for your monetary contributions to the parish. Above all thank you for being part of this parish and bringing so many gifts and talents to all we do. May we continue to journey together in generosity and Faith. Christ is with us.
Pray for me as I pray for you,
Fr Karl