Dear Brothers and Sisters,
You know it’s coming close to winter when you have the mu- sic director in your office planning music for All Saints, All Souls, Immaculate Conception, Christmas and New Year. Yes it’s that time of year and we have to plan. The difficulty with the over commercialization of all of our Holidays is that we miss the reason for the season. It becomes at times just a another day and there is no spiritual dimension whatsoever. I am not a Grinch or a Scrooge, I love to celebrate, but please let’s do it by preparation with the various programs that will be going on in our parishes and through Advent calendars.
One of the articles in the St Patrick Fathers Mission Magazine this month is about the Shrine of Our Lady of Aparecida in Brazil. On the wall of Mary there is an image of Our Lady from that Shrine. I have left a number of copies so that those who are interested may learn a little more. If you need a copy please ask me. And as I said in last week’s bulletin, maybe in the next year we could get together a group of people to visit some of Mary’s shrines.
Let the faith journey continue,
Fr Karl