

Fr_Karl_JetDear Brothers and Sisters, We continue our exploration of the Rosary during October, the month of the rosary. The Luminous Mysteries: The first Mystery: The Baptism in the Jordan. Jesus comes to John to be baptized and the spirit proclaims “This is my beloved Son” Lk 3: 21. Mt 3:13-17 The second Mystery: The Wedding Feast at Cana: Jesus at the request of his mother turns water into wine. Jn 2:1-12. The third Mystery: The proclamation of the Kingdom: Lk: 3:16… Mt:3:7…Jesus proclaims his mission “ The spirit of the Lord is upon me”. The fourth Mystery: The Transfiguration: Jesus shares his glory with the apostles. Lk:28-36 The fifth Mystery: The Institution of the Eucharist. Lk: 22:19-20 Jesus give us His Body and Blood as food for our Journey. Once again by matching the mysteries to the scripture passage we can learn more about our faith. I have not given all the scripture references but only a few to help your journey of faith. Next week we will reference the sorrowful and glorious mysteries. Our Faith Journey continues, Fr Karl