There is something theologians call “the paradox of discipleship”…that whoever loses his life for Jesus’ sake and that of the gospel, will save it. In other words, the more you give away, the more you will receive. For an example, it is no good to say that you have faith, but not do something for the poor and suffering people of the world. What good would it be to say to someone, “Go in peace, keep warm and eat well,” While at the same time watching the poor and homeless try to survive with less than you? Ideological faith is insufficient in itself, it must be translated into action. Needy people are not aided by the good wishes of others. Hopefully, thankfully, none of us are called to be martyrs…to actually lose our life for Jesus’ sake. But we are all called to do something. Pope Francis said that every Christian is called to do four things: study the Gospels, participate in the Eucharist, pray for the suffering, and work to end injustice. Three of those things you can do right here in Mass, but the fourth has to be done out there. Ask God today to show you some way that you can help your fellow human beings. I guarantee something will occur to you. Then, may we have the courage to go out and do it. – Deacon Vic