

father_karl_216A big thank you to our parishioners who have already pledged their support to the 2019 Catholic Ministries Annual Appeal (CMAA). Please continue to fulfill your pledges, as we are counting on your commitment. If you have not yet made a gift, please remember that every contribution, big or small, is welcome and appreciated! If we all participate, we can meet our parish goal of $GOAL. To date, we are at $AMOUNT PAID. If we raise more than our goal, 70 percent of the amount over goal will be returned to us for our use. This is an amazing opportunity for our parish. If you have not made a gift yet, please consider doing so. Checks can be made to the Catholic Ministries Annual Appeal and mailed to: Catholic Ministries Annual Appeal, Diocese of Joliet, 16555 Weber Road, Crest Hill, IL 60403. You can also make a gift online atjolietdioceseappeal.org, or text “Donate” to (815) 205-1949 to link to a donation form from your mobile phone.Your support will help provide Signs of Hope to so many through the 30 ministries our annual appeal benefits. Fr Karl