

Father_KarlDear Brothers and Sisters, The gospel of the prodigal son/prodigal father is a great story of the mercy and forgiveness of God. We are all called to forgive but what of the angry pouting elder son. He still lives. I have seen and read of him/her many times. Firstly I have seen it in the individual who not matter how many time they are told “you are forgiven”, cannot forgive themselves. Secondly I have seen it in those who cannot distinguish between consequences and forgiveness. People who believe that by forgiving we are letting people of the hook and that is not true. Forgiveness means accepting the consequences of our actions and the returning son is prepared to do that. On a third level there is a belief that forgiveness especially should be only limited and only apply to certain things. From my reading of the gospels that is not the way God works. God calls for repentance and for turning away from sin and that is part of the gospel. “Repent and Believe the God News” We must believe that if we are truly sorry and make a genuine effort that God is going to for- give. As we journey in faith let us pray for the gift of forgiveness, the ability to receive forgiveness and the ability to forgive others and ourselves. Sunday Evening Mass Once a Month on the Second Sunday October 13th 5.30 pm November 10th 5.30 pm December 8th 5.30 pm Fr Karl