

Fr_Karl_JetDear Brothers and Sisters, I often wonder did Jesus get overwhelmed by the amount of people looking for help? The gospels tells us of the times he went away to a quiet place to rest awhile or to pray. They also tell us of the times he took his disciples away particularly after they had been on a missionary journey. I know I feel overwhelmed at times and wonder what will happen to our world to our church to faith. What brings me back to reality and faith are the words of Jesus “Do not be afraid or Fear not” I am made aware that all that is asked of me is to do the best I can and that even in the darkest moments He is there. “ Behold I am with you always” A great mystic Julian of Norwich once said “All is well all will be well , all manner of things will be well.” Sometimes we need to go away and refresh and realize that God is working even when we do not see it and all will be well. The journey continues Fr Karl