Dear Brothers and Sisters,
When I left for Ireland I had all sorts of plans. Most of them did not work out because of my brother’s continuing illness. I ended up visiting the hospital most evenings.
The good side of all of the plans that did not come to pass was walking in places that I had not walked in a long time. Most evenings after visiting the hospital I went walking and the Irish weather co-operated.
Walking after visiting a hospital gives you perspective. You are alive and fit enough to walk something to be grateful for. It helps you realize how fragile life is, and how blessed you are to have reasonable good health. It also helps you realize how dependent we are on others, when it comes to our health.
We need doctors, nurses caregivers to look after us. Very often the family of someone who is ill is stressed and put to the pin of the collar in order to support their loved one.
Next time you think you have some gripe, maybe its time to think of those who day in and out selflessly take care of a parent, spouse or family member who is in dire need and pray for the doctors that in their diagnosis and dealing with their patients that they might do so with compassion and sensitivity.
Time flies and by the time you read this I will be back among you.
Let the journey continue, Fr Karl