“Go Out to the whole world and proclaim the good news.” I always have had great admiration for the first missionaries in any territory, as they had no network no support at a human level. Their support was their faith. They had to learn a language struggle with rejection and failure and yet they persevered. Their faith paved the way for others and slowly and surely the church grew and continues to grow. Jesus sent his disciples out two by two. Likewise the early missionaries. Disease and hostility were part of the deal. Most countries in the world have had martyrs and victims of disease and yet the missionaries continued and by God’s grace the faith grew. We too are called to continue to proclaim our faith especially to those who have lapsed or fallen away. The way we live our lives, our example and our sense of community and welcome are things that attract. Let us pray to the Lord of the harvest for the faith and courage of the early missionaries to continue to grow in faith and to proclaim it. The Journey Continues, Fr Karl