

father_karl_216Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Last Sunday we celebrated Pentecost, the beginnings of the Church and the disciples going out and proclaiming boldly the message Christ has died, is risen and will come again. The religious education program formally ended for the school year. Does that mean that we don’t do any more religion till September? I would hope that during the summer the religious education would continue in a different format; that is through example, in the seeking out of churches for Mass when on vacation, in trying to make regular Sunday Mass during the summer, in the prayers before food or the simple sign of the cross before or after a journey. Example is the greatest teacher. If we believe then we will lead by example. Very often people think that sending the kids to religious education is enough, but if you do not practice what you preach then the kids will see your example and follow it. So this summer try to lead by example. I want to thank all the families for your involvement in the Family Centered Faith formation. It is great to see your commitment and there is a great buzz at the10:00 Mass on those weekends. My thanks to the catechists and all who are involved for the time and the energy they give to the program I hope that buzz will continue during the summer at the 10:00 am Family Mass. Lastly my thanks to Penny and her husband Joe who make such a great team in researching and finding the pieces that make up the program and lastly to Jackie for signing you in and trying to keep everything in order. May our journey continue and may Christ journey with us through this summer so that it will be safe and enjoyable for all. Pray for me as I pray for you, Fr Karl