

father_karl_216Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Blindness takes many forms. There is the physical blindness where the person cannot see. I remember on the missions in Kenya one women for whom cataracts had been a problem from her late teens. She had never seen her children or her nieces and nephews. She had only recollections of her parents and husband. We and the local mission hospital arranged for her surgery. The joy and rejoicing was overwhelming when she returned home ,but it was also a learning experience as she had been so used to doing everything by touch or by hearing . She had to relearn all her skills. Jesus cures the blind but he also encourages us to look at our blindness, the faults we have but see only in others. The things we complain about but never do anything to solve. The hypocrisy we see in others but deny in ourselves. Lent asks us to turn away from sin and become aware of our own failings so we transform them by living out the values we profess. Let us as we journey together in faith realize that not all blindness is physical. Let us be open to transforming our own blindness into a time for relearning our Christian values Let the journey continue, Fr Karl