

father_karl_216Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, At the beginning of Lent we are challenged “to repent and believe the good news”. It is a call to renewal. We try to put into action our promises made at baptism. We are called to love one another and to put that into action in our daily lives. It is hard when at the same time fear is been instilled through so many other sources, but last weekend I saw that love and mercy in action in our parish as you were told about the ministry of unbound. Every sponsorship document was taken by the time the 10:00 Mass finished. Children and older people who seemingly had been forgotten were being sponsored by caring and compassionate people. Thank you for your generosity. Thank you for reaching out and for realizing that when we care about others we are at our best because then we are the feet and hands of Jesus in our world. St Joseph protector of the infant Jesus Pray for us Let our journey of faith continue Fr Karl