

father_karl_216Dear Brothers and Sisters, I was in a Parish for a mission appeal many years ago on Mother’s Day weekend. A woman comes to me before the Saturday evening Mass and starts talking about her family. She tells me about her daughter. They have not spoken for many years. I asked what happened. She is in tears but cannot remember what it was all about. I ask does your daughter come to church. Yes is her answer, her on a Sunday Morning. I make a suggestion which she is reluctant to agree to. Sunday morning before Mass a youngish woman greets me with two young kids. I wish her Happy Mother’s Day and she starts crying and tells me that her mother does not talk to her. I ask her what happened. She is not sure. I tell her I will talk to her after Mass. Does that story sound familiar? Have you heard of experienced a similar one? In the book rediscovering Jesus in Chapter 12, Matthew Kelly asks the question How seriously do you take Jesus’ invitation to forgive? He also says “everybody needs to forgive somebody”. Sometimes we need to forgive ourselves sometimes it another. The story above had a happy ending. I asked the older women to come to the same Mass as her daughter. I suggested she stay close to the back of the church and to walk out behind her daughter and pass her on the steps and say Happy Mother’s Day. Two women were in tears at the foot of the steps and we all went out for brunch together. Those two women were ready for forgiveness and open to it. Are you ready and are you open to it. We continue to Journey rediscovering Jesus. Pray for me as I pray for you, Fr Karl