

father_karl_216Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Thank you for your generosity to the Annual Catholic Ministries appeal. Because of your generosity numerous projects were funded or helped and the parish benefited because we got back $ 9000.00. This was the money over and above our contribution. So we were able to spend $ 4500 .00 to fix the loud speaking system. We were able to give back $ 3000.00 to the Diocese towards paying off some of our debt. The Annual Appeal helps fund various projects in the Diocese as the leaflet you receive last week tells you. Every one of its ministries need all the funds it receives. Your generosity is part of the mercy that we are called to show to others. Since I came to this parish I have been amazed by the many causes you have chosen to be involved with and they are too numerous to list. Thank you! As we move into the season of Lent let us as a faith community try to use the “Rediscovering Jesus” Book to renew our Faith to strengthen our commitment to one another but above all to get to know Jesus . In the opening Chapter we hear Paul being asked “Are you Jesus” and you remember the story I told in my homily a few weeks ago when I said “He has no arms but your arms , no legs but your legs, Jesus is counting on You” Most of us are always in a hurry so lets take time out this lent to see what we can do for Jesus. Reading this book together as a parish and reflecting together can help us do this. Let us Journey together and let us pray together and say together from the book “Jesus give me the courage to let down my guard.” Pray for me as I pray for, Fr Karl