In the gospel today Mary makes a simple statement” They have no wine” She knew there was no store to run to. She knew the embarrassment and shame that would be caused to the bride and groom and their families when they ran out of wine. She knew her son. In that simple statement she was opening the way for an act that saved the family from embarrassment. This year Pope Francis has called on all to celebrate a year of Mercy in a special way. Mary’s simple comment shows us that mercy and compassion is very much about noticing what is going on around us. All of us learned about the corporal works of Mercy. Feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty…. And that could be translated as don’t let your friends or family be embarrassed, share with others in the home or through designated programs, be prepared to eat meals together as family so that you learn to work together and share the tasks. Very often it’s the simple things that show mercy. “They have no wine” In that statement there is the full realization of the predicament the young couple is in. Jesus hears all and understands that he has to and can do something. In this year of mercy we are being challenged to do something. Maybe it’s a can of beans, maybe it’s a kind word, the challenge to a public rep or cleaning out all those clothes that you will never use, but what it maybe saying to us in a simple phrase is show Mercy and put the works of Mercy into action this Jubilee Year. May we hear and understand that we can and must do something. Lord, please help me as I journey through this year to be aware of your presence in my life. Help me be aware of the needs of those around me, but above all Lord help me to be thankful for what I have and to share the little I have with others and in so doing show Gods ‘Love and Mercy to others Amen. Pray for me, as I pray for you, Fr Karl