Liturgical Ministries

There are many ways to help St. Francis Xavier Parish by volunteering your services. Listed below are just a few of the ways to volunteer. If you are interested in helping in one of these ministries or in another way please fill out the form on this page and someone will then contact you about your request.

Word and Holy Communion

Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion (Communion/Eucharistic Minister):

Distributes Holy Communion during the Mass and brings the sacred vessels back to the sacristy after Mass, setting up for the next Mass.

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Makes the announcements, proclaims the readings during Mass, and in the absence of the deacon leads the assembly in general intercessions.
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Minister to the Homebound:

Brings Holy communion to those who are unable to attend Mass.

Altar Server:

Assist the priest/deacon in the Mass and other liturgies, e.g. weddings, funerals, Stations of the Cross, etc.
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Vocalist, instrumentalist and accompanists:

Adds to the beauty of the Mass by leading the assembly in the sung and musical parts of the Mass. We have both children (8 to 12 years of age) and an adult choir (this group is open to all adults and high school aged teens).
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Welcomes those arriving for Mass, distributes and collects worship aids, collects the offering, and distributes bulletins.
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Helps people find seats, assists with the collection and communion procession, and helps in emergency situations.

Other Ministries

Mass Coordinator:

Responsible for making sure that adequate volunteers are scheduled for the needs of the Mass.  Verify that Greeters, Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers and Servers are present as assigned and in sufficient numbers to meet the requirements of the Mass.

Arts and Environment:

Helps decorate the church and sanctuary.

Gardening Angel:

Works and cares for the outside environment: planting, watering and weeding flowers.

Church Cleaning:

Cleans the church and narthex on a weekly basis.

Altar Linens:

Washes and presses at home the linens used for Mass.

Scrips Assistant:

Helps with the sale of Scrips before and/or after Mass.